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Parreral de uva Valexfruit
Uvas verdes Valexfruit
Uva roxa Valexfruit
Parreral de uva Valexfruit
Cooperating for the
best flavor
of the Valley!
The farms of the cooperative members have a strict control
of quality in
its production and packaging that provide a superior quality fruit.
Representatives of Cooperatives from PE and AL visit Sistema Ocepar
Nine directors of cooperatives in the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas were received on 8/30/2021 by the president of the Ocepar System, José Roberto Ricken and ...
Representantes de Cooperativas de PE e AL visitam Sistema Ocepar
Nove dirigentes de cooperativas dos estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas foram recebidos em 30/08/2021, pelo presidente do Sistema Ocepar, José Roberto Ricken e ...
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